Thursday, March 20, 2008

Adventures in wikiland

Aren't wikis fun? I must admit, I am one of those people who were dubious about the accuracy of Wikipedia (it all stems from those 4 years at uni where absolutely EVERY sentence I wrote had to have a citation (in the Harvard style, thank you very much) to a peer reviewed journal following it), so it was interesting to read arguments indicating that Wikipedia may be authoritative after all. And there is no place like the web to feed a Star Wars addiction (although perusing Wookieepedia (what a fabulous name!) just proves to me that too many post trilogy novels have been written, with things I can never approve of: Han and Leia's child would never turn to the dark side, what is with Chewie being killed off, and how many times can the Sith rise? Oh, and don't get me started on the prequels, and as for the Special Editions....but I digress. Wikis. That's what I am here to talk about. Not Star Wars.)
I liked the way Princeton Public Library incorporated a wiki into their summer reading. My library also asks for summer reading reviews, and runs a challenge for kids over the summer as well. We get the kidlets to submit their reviews on paper but perhaps they would enjoy adding to a wiki?
PS As noted before, on the computer I use every day all of the blogs are blocked and in order to view them I need to be on a different computer on a different network. As a result I haven't read as many as I would have liked. So thank you all for your interesting contributions to the NSW learning 2.0 wiki (which is not blocked) that I just spent a happy time reading. And yes, I did contribute as well.

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